Unlike the fundamental concepts presented by the traditional Yin Yang symbol, absolute moral good and absolute moral evil can be mixed.
Wait, but isn’t there a little bit of good in every bad, and vice versa?
Well, yes – in human experience, because the universe is currently corrupted. But really, we mean that the origins of good and evil must logically originate from opposing source points. Although one may shape the perception of the other, absolute good cannot logically create absolute evil – creating it would then negate the possibility of absolute good even existing. Absolute evil must be a creation of something other than that which created absolute good. Unlike many, we do not believe that God equates to the creator of both good and evil – we would argue that God simply “allows” evil for an “ultimate good.”
My yoga teacher would disagree, but yeah, so what?
Well, this means that the “go with the flow” mentality of the majority of the mankind today is at fundamental odds with reality. The Yin Yang concept promotes the idea that man and God are the same being, or as Alan Watts would say, “You are the universe experiencing itself.” This concept has led to the rise of “Coexist” bumper stickers and typical “New Age” propaganda with the fundamental message that you, yourself, are God. It appears that these ideas are seeding and growing an absolutely submissive culture that relies on government assistance and internet technology to survive, rather than developing useful and creative skills to become better people at the core. Ironic that this is the result when one believes that they are God, isn’t it? Wait, how could such a popular idea ruin an entire culture? Aren’t there patterns in everything that reveal humans have godlike potential?
We would agree that there are fundamental patterns in all things, as the base law we described of energy being created by the square of two opposing forces replicates itself from the microcosm to the macrocosm – from the cell to the star. However, we would argue instead that reality is made in the image of God, rather than reality being God. This means that we can resemble “gods” when we creatively act and focus our will, but not that we are God. When humans usurp the position of an unchanging being superior to themselves, the culture collapses because man always fails to be an unchanging constant force for good. This is a fact of reality that replicates itself across all human history – a broken record. This happens because humans are innately corrupt and submissive creatures at our core – so when we, as naturally limited and submissive creatures, attempt to dominate all of mankind by taking the place of God, we “break” due to our innate corruption. It is when humans do work solely for the beauty of themselves, that progress slows and societies collapse – this is humanism.
But, humans need to understand their potential to fight the system!
Yes, but Realize’s fundamental theory would also dictate that it is only through the awareness that man is a constantly changing constant that submits to a never changing constant that true power can be unleashed. It is through man’s submission to God that man’s true potential is maximized, as the submission will feed as a direct current for God’s power to feed through. This is why humility is such a valued trait today in the egotistical, narcissistic age of social networks.
"If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." - Nikola Tesla
Think of it this way: if you claim to be God, you are in opposition to God, since only God can claim to be God. Therefore, you are an "active" or "dominant" force against God's order. It is only through becoming a "passive" or "submissive" force for God that one can most effectively act like an "active" or "dominant" force in the universe. We act as conduits or channels for source energy, and when speaking in terms of energy, only forces that are unlike one another in "being" can be truly joined together. Like charges repel - two beings claiming to have the same status repel one another.
What are some examples of this theory being used?
Here are a few:
· The energy balance of father (dominant changing constant) and mother (submissive changing constant) creating the “family structure” or “energy” which shapes children into adults
· Pushing the gas pedal (dominant constant) vs. pushing the brake pedal (submissive constant)
· The idea that God (dominant unchanging constant) gives man (submissive constant) a destiny
I’m sure you can imagine that this principle can also be applied in a nearly infinite amount of examples, since everything in existence has a dualistic nature:
· Men getting in touch with their feminine side vs. women getting in touch with their masculine side
· Women standing up to abusive men vs. men backing down to abusive women
· Beach wind vs. hurricane wind
· Whiskey vs. Champagne
Okay, so what’s the fundamental difference between man and God?
We may make the argument that man is a constantly changing constant. If this is the case, it appears the term “constant” can only be applied to that which does not die. According to the most widely accepted theological principles, both God and man are immortal in the sense that there is an agreement on a “not-always-existent state with no end” for men and an “always-existent state with no end” for God. So, when understanding these philosophical and theological concepts, our fundamental theory holds true in that:
The “constantly-changing constant” of man’s being originates from the “never-changing constant” of God’s being.
So, where did evil come from?
The most logical conclusion one can come to by observing the reoccurring results from the universal actions of the human race is that humans invented evil out of rebellion against the natural order. The source of all evil is pride, and pride originates in the heart and mind of man. Humans are, by nature, hopelessly optimistic about the results of their actions, even if their actions are in direct opposition to natural laws. This leads to inevitable destruction of nations whenever a small group of humans are given too much control. This is also the reason why so many entrepreneurs fail to actually finish what they originally envisioned.
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. – John Dalberg-Acton
So, why doesn't "God" just get rid of evil? He is God after all, isn't he?
If He is God, He could, but then that would remove the potential for man to become one with God in submission to him. Yoga means to "yoke," and the knowledge of evil allows us to realize that it is only through "yoking" to absolute good that man can be delivered from absolute evil. Unfortunately, man's pride causes man to rebel against God and seek to be God - so, think of evil as a temporary mistaken creation of man acting as a setback to man's evolution to teach man a lesson and truly enlighten those who wish to be enlightened before moving forward as a unit.
If we wish to evolve, we must submit to God.
Great theory! We have posted it to